6 Years of Pride 

Pride at NEXT has hit its 6 years milestone!

We’re rolling back the years and looking at the impact we've had over the years, looking at the impact and change us and our allies have made in such a short period of time. 

Explore below to see how Pride at NEXT has impacted the community over the years, fun things you can do to get involved this month and some important history to learn over the month. 

What Your Colleagues Love About Pride at NEXT

Being part of launching Pride collections.

Find out about Rena's favourite moments of Pride at NEXT. 

Rena Armstrong | Pride Community

Manchester Pride our biggest to date!

Find out about Darren's favourite moments of Pride at NEXT. 

Darren Hopkins | Pride Community

It's been an incredible journey so far!

Find out about Jazz's favourite moments of Pride at NEXT. 

Jazz Conley-Bugg | Pride Community

Raised £2,435 for our charity partner in a marathon.

Find out about Andrew's favourite moments of Pride at NEXT. 

Andrew Jurd | Chair of Pride at NEXT

UK LGBT+ History 

Find out about our LGBT+ History and key dates throughout history.

Pride at NEXT Key Moments

Look back over the years with us at our most memorable moments from the past 6 years! 

History of Terrence Higgins Trust

Check out the history of our partnership with The Terrence Higgins Trust. 

LGBT+ History

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